terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2008

Abstract Master Thesis


The effects of a teaching module about empathy and respect, involved in the relationships between nurses and clients, in the context of nursing caring, on the capacities of the studentes to discriminate empathetic and respect nurses answers to clients.

This study in a quasi-experimental research about the effects of teaching empathy and respect, as two major components of helping relationships in the context of caring in nursing, on the capacities of a baccalaureat course are able to use to discriminate the nurses answers typified as empathetic and respect .
The author improved a framework based on the Humanistic conception about helping relationships as an holistic-humanist perspective, and develop a teaching program. The study used two randomise samples , witch are formed by 16 students each one , and that where measured twice.
The instrumental measure is a rating scale, construct by the author , who pretends to measure the cognitive dimension of the students capacity. The reliability of the instrument was previously guaranteed and the content validity was also previously established by two judges.
The students of the experimental group did participate on the module instruction about empathy and respect, in helping relationships on nursing caring context, who had a length of 14 hours over a period of 7 days , and its based on teaching methods as lecture, roleplaying, nurse-patient situation, and feedback and brief exposition by the teacher.
The students of the control group did not participate on the module. The results after the first time of measurement, on the two samples shows that the mean of the score of correct discrimination were very low and similar significativly on the two samples ( P lower than 0,025 ) .
The results from the second time of measurement shows the evolution of the mean of the scores of correct discrimination of empathetic and respect answers, and at the experimental group there was a higher level of significance ( P lower than 0,001 ) and the control group presents a non significant evolution of the scores in the correct discrimination.
This values where confired by the statistics of the t student test for independent and small samples and the hypotheses of research that the author formulates where accepted using the statistic test for paired samples , and its possible to say that the module of teaching empathy and respect did increase the capacities of the students to discriminate empathetic and respect answers.
The study findings also suggests that the scale constructed by the author has some conditions to be used but its necessary more procedures to confirm it.
The study allows the author to say that the knowledge about empathy and respect are improved on the students of the experimental group but its correct the use of another instrument of measure to confirm these findings and its not so possible to say that on experiential practice its sure that students will demonstrate empathetic and respect skills .

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